Set off early this morning once the new spinner was fitted, and set off over the top of the clouds to our first stop which was Milledgeville GA. We originally intended to fly via Chattanooga but a more easterly route seemed like a better way to stay ahead of the weather. There were some nasty thunderstorms to our East, and since I was flying this leg, Linda called ATC and we got vectors around them. However it was cloudy, hazy and bumpy, and we saw lightening off our wing... By the time we landed there was a heavy rain shower over the airport. Milledgeville was a quiet but pretty stop on a lake, but there was no food. We refueled and set off again.
The next leg was over three hours to Norfolk VA, where we are now sitting in Dennys having borrowed the crew car because we are ravenous. Again, a nice leg but some nasty storms just off our right wing to the East.
Our next and final leg ends in Doylestown, and our long journey of over 3000 nm will be over. It has been awesome - team Cool Beans has been awesome, the flying was outstanding, and we brought home medals! Now thats what I call a vacation.