Friday, June 17, 2011

We're here!

Our day started at 7am when we met at the airplane, along with Russell and Linda's Mum and Dad to wave us off. Although the weather looked murky and grey, the overcast was low but relatively thin, and we knew we'd get up to blue skies. Also by starting early, we wanted to avoid the inevitable cumulus and thunderstorm build up over the Appalachians on the way west. Linda started the plane and flew the first leg. My headset broke before we got going, but fortunately Linda had a spare.

The first leg we flew in and out and over clouds, catching glimpses of the Susquehanna and the ridges around Williamsport as we did. Once we passed the mountains and entered the Ohio plains, the clouds flattened right out and although Linda flew the ILS approach into our first stop (Youngstown), we were clear of clouds by a couple miles out. The folks at Youngstown were very helpful, including the aviation shop looking at our pilot side mike jacks for us. Also thanks very much to Bose - I called them from Youngstown to tell them about the broken headset and the race, and they're going to drop ship a loaner to Iowa City for me tomorrow.

The second leg to Purdue Indiana was flown by Alison, pretty much in visual flight conditions. We had a terrible headwind so this leg took almost three hours, but it was smooth and cool up at 8000 feet and we had plenty of time, so we didn't complain.

Alison also flew the third leg into Iowa City. The climb out of Purdue was through bumpy towers of cumulus, and even at 8000 feet this late into the afternoon we were skimming the tops and clipping the sides of bright white clouds with plenty of updrafts. Unlike the first two stops, Iowa has no control tower so we cancelled our IFR flight plan and landed, then taxied to our tiedown spot for number 21.

Spent the next few hours checking in, doing credential checks, meeting old friends who are herer for the race. There are 50 teams again this year, which is a very good size field of racers. It's fun to see everyone again.

Writing this entry on the ground at Iowa City airport while Linda and Barbara go up with Gretchen to do our timing run, so we'll add photos later tonight!